Friday, October 9, 2015

Study Tips

So this weekend I am studying for three exams because it is midterm’s week. So I thought I’d procrastinate and write about good study habits or things to do to help you study.

1.     Make Lists: write down all the things you need to study/ homework assignments you need to do, that way you don’t forget anything

2.      Set a timer: Tomato timer is a great way to keep your productivity levels up. You do school work for 25 minutes and then give yourself a 5 minute break. Then keep repeating.

3.      Get Sleep: More than just the basic health reasons, your brain makes all your memories while you are sleeping, therefore it’s always good to get a good night’s sleep so your brain can remember all the facts you’ve been working hard to learn.

4.      Make Notecards: while this doesn’t apply to every subject, making notecards is great when you have to memorize lots of different facts or terms. Not only do you get to practice them easily, but the making of notecards and writing everything out helps you remember things better.

5.      Reward Yourself: Motivation gets you a long way. Tell yourself that you get to eat cookies or text a friend if you accomplish a certain amount of work.

6.      Turn off your Phone: make sure you are not getting distracted by texts, Facebook, twitter, Instagram or anything else. You learn material better if you stay focused on one task at a time. 

Good Luck on Exams!

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